Field test of antifouling products for pleasure boats
On request of the Dutch Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management Endures has carried out a Field Test of Antifouling Products for Pleasure Boats. Want to
Prevent corrosion or treat corrosion damage?
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Damage investigation or claim? Water pipe / sprinkler system blown? ENDURES investigates the cause and provides solutions!
More information about microbiologically influenced corrosion (MIC)?
Do you have damage to your buried structure? Curious about how corrosive your soil is, and whether your exposed materials are sufficiently protected?
Want to learn more about the performance of your coating under specific circumstances?
Corrosion? Corrosion damage? Damage investigation? Coatings? Research into the cause or prediction of corrosion progress? ENDURES can help you today! Our unique approach ensures a reduction in your operational costs by choosing suitable materials and protecting your assets!
On request of the Dutch Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management Endures has carried out a Field Test of Antifouling Products for Pleasure Boats. Want to
Finocas Group NV and First Dutch Innovations (FDI) BV announced on Monday 24 of June their joint venture in which Endures joins forces with OCAS
Join our seminar and learn more on corrosion and material integrity in offshore and maritime environment. Klik hier.
Recently Endures published a technical paper on Performance Tests for Antifouling Coatings in the May issue of the Journal HANSA International Maritime Journal. This issue gives special
ENDURES B.V. will be present at the ICOE/Seanergy in Cherbourg 12th-14th of June 2018. For corrosion, antifouling, failure analysis, protective coatings, material selection and microbiologically
Topics: ISO 19030 and beyond / sensor technology / information fusion / big data / uncertainty analysis / hydrodynamic models / business models / cleaning technology
The name is derived from Endurance by Research. Endures does not only conduct research under practical and laboratory conditions that leads to an extension of the life of materials. We also conduct damage studies on ships, installations and structures to determine which type of corrosion occurs, which specific circumstances play a role and how such damage can be prevented in the future. ENDURES combines microbiological expertise, electrochemistry and materials science for this purpose.